10 Things To Do In Isolation

1. Get Moving!
It’s frustrating not being able to go to your gym, sport training or even just that walk with your friends around the park and to the coffee shop! It’s time to get creative with our exercise.
Keep those endorphins coming with our top training apps:
Nike Training Club
Personalised workouts picked out for you daily! They are time savvy and very effective. Workouts range in intensity making it suitable for every fitness level. Whether you’re a gym fanatic or just want to get your heart rate up, this app has got your back. Download on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Get ready for boot camp with this motivating yet challenging fitness app, founded by Chris Hemsworth. It’s filled with workouts, recipes and life advice from industry experts. It has a large range of fitness options from intense gym inspired workouts to mindful yoga. Download on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Keep it Cleaner
Founded by Laura Henshaw and Steph Claire Smith, Keep it Cleaner has workouts that are equipment free, perfect for at home. They also provide fitness plans, recipes, nutrition advice, blog posts and a Facebook group for members to share progress or ask any questions. Download on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
2. Cook something new
It’s nice sometimes to get adventurous with a new dish to cook for yourself, family or flatmates. Fuel your body with delicious dishes that will keep you motivated during this time. Why not wine and dine with our team’s favourite recipes: lasagne, butter chicken and a sweet treat, banana bread.
3. Zoom catch ups with friends and family
In the past 2 weeks we have been amazed by the imagination of people with their online catch ups. From themed ‘funky hat’ coffee catch ups to family trivia nights, people are sure doing wonders with their spare time. Organise a catch up and think of a theme!
4. Podcasts!
If you’re wanting something productive to listen to while you’re making brekkie or having a coffee, podcasts are the way to go. We’re a fan of; ‘Full Story’ by the Guardian, ‘The Daily’ by the New York Times, TED Talks Daily, Hamish & Andy and Stuff You Should Know.
5. Slow down and breathe. Try some groovy activities that keep the mind calm
Headspace describes how simply meditation can benefit our relationships, sleep, focus, pain and more. Since we’ve been given this opportunity to slow down, even though it’s under awful circumstances, it might be time to give meditation a go. Headspace has an easy and free app that provides guided meditation for everyone.
6. Read that book you’ve been waiting to
We all have that dusty book sitting on the shelf staring at us, and we say to it “mmm later” but we never end up getting to it. This is the time to take it off the shelf and read what’s been on your list for ages. There’s also the option of ebooks if you don’t have the book that’s been on your must read list, purchase from iBooks, Google Play Store, Amazon or others.
7. Grow your own!
Liven up your home with some greenery, even having a few herb pots makes a huge difference to your kitchen. Pot plants are also a nice way to brighten indoor spaces, and to create a calm atmosphere. If you’re game for a bigger challenge and bigger rewards, start your own vege garden.
8. Get that rusty old instrument out and play
A nice way to get your creative groove on is playing an instrument. Maybe you’re an expert, maybe you’ve never played, it doesn’t matter give it a go!
If guitar is on the cards here are a few easy classics to get you started: ‘Let it be’ by The Beatles, ‘Banana Pancakes’ by Jack Johnson, ‘Opportunity’ by Pete Murray and ‘Rhiannon’ by Fleetwood mac.
9. Challenge yourself with a new language
If you’ve got a spare moment, learning the basics of a new language can be very rewarding. Although it’s a challenge, it’s a nice way to keep your mind busy and refreshed for a productive work day. Duolingo is the app to get, it’s easy, free and reminds you if you’re being slack!
10. Make a Spotify playlist with your favourite tunes
Collate some of your most loved tunes, get inspired from your most played on Spotify! If you’re in the mood for something new Spotify’s discover weekly has some great suggestions, finding your new favourites. If Spotify’s not your thing, get on your channel of choice and get listening.
Share what you’ve tried from our suggestions on your socials! Post with #Easyisolation