What's New in Easy Business App? A lot!

With the new financial year just beginning, what better time to look at some of the new features and improvements that have been added to Easy Business App over the last few months.
Since we launched Easy Cashflow in April, we've already made a tonne of improvements, many based on feedback from you, our users. So thank you for that!
- Bulk Editing (shown above) is now available, so you can Search your transactions and bulk categorise up to 500 at a time. This helps you whizz through your 'To Do' bank transactions and saves hours of time a week.
- Transaction Searching allows you to find transactions quickly by searching description or amount. It's lightning fast, too.
- Bank Reconciliation. You can now reconcile your transactions in Easy Cashflow easily (and quickly!) against your bank statements from the Reconciliation screen. We're quite proud of our reconciliation workflow, which we designed to make it as simple as possible to complete reconciliation. You can learn more in the help guide How to Reconcile your Bank Accounts in Easy Business App if you want to see more.
- CSV Uploads lets you upload historical bank transaction CSVs for prior periods and Manual Bank/Credit Card Accounts can now be created for the few institutions not supported by our bank feeds provider.
- Import Transactions Since Date. This allows you to only import transactions from a linked bank account from a date that you select. Perfect for the start of the new FY, so you can just import the transactions since 1 July.
Our first ever module, Easy Payslip, has gone from strength-to-strength. We're also very careful not to just arbitrarily change it, because why break something that already works well?
- It's not a feature, but this year we reached the milestone of $2 billion of payroll processed. Hooray! Thanks to all those small businesses who trust us to handle their payroll week-in, week-out.
- New Final STP Report. This was added just in time for Final STP submissions this year-end and shows a neater summary of the information from the "Select/Edit" Final STP screen. The amount of information has become more detailed since STP Phase 2 was introduced, so we're working on an STP lodgement report for the future, too. That will make it a bit easier to see historically what was lodged.
- Updated tax tables and super rates. The tax thresholds changed this year, and the Super Guarantee rate went up to 11.5% (9% for Norfolk Islanders!). There's nothing you ever need to do when we do this, everything just works for the new FY. In some software you have to go and manually update the super rate for all your employees. Annoying!
Along with a lot of performance and stability improvements, recent upgrades include:
- Sending Invoices as PDF files. This just launched this week and was one of our most requested features. For each Customer you can now choose whether to send invoices as a link, or as a directly attached PDF file. We recommend you use a link (because then you get tracking on when the invoice is viewed), but for those clients who insist on receiving a PDF attachment, simply check the button and when you send invoices they'll be attached as a PDF instead.
- Better Customer Searching. You can now search for your Customers by any field: name, address, telephone number, email, note, ABN. For those users with tonnes of customers, this makes it so much easier to find the customer you're looking for.
When we launched Easy Cashflow, turning Easy Business App into a full double-entry accounting app, we obviously made a lot of changes to Easy Reports too, introducing a tonne of new reports (and journals, which also live there for now).
- Return of the Dash(board). We had to turn off the dashboard for a few weeks during the launch of Easy Cashflow while we made a lot of changes to it. But it's back now, and more powerful than ever, giving you a simple view of your profitability and expenses with a month-by-month breakdown.
- Trial Balance report. This one didn't quite make it in time for the launch of Easy Cashflow, but it's present and correct now.
Other Notable Changes
- We made more than 80 front-end releases in the last 12 months, more than one per week. From adding new features, to platform upgrades to bug fixes, we're always working to make the app easier, more stable and faster to use.
- We've re-architected our back-end servers to be quicker than ever. It's almost embarrassing how sloooow competitors like Xero feel now compared to Easy Business App. It's like 🐇 vs 🐢
- We were re-certified for our ISO 27001 certification without a single non-compliance (which is quite an achievement!). We're always working hard to make sure we keep your precious data safe and secure.
We've got plenty more exciting changes coming soon, too. So watch this space for more announcements. Onwards and upwards!